It is yellow, 2:40 pm. Miles from any sort of civilisation and safety. Worn windows wound all the way down. Countless tiny little devils find refuge in the only covered area for kilometres. Heat-waves jump from the ruptured road blurring your vision. Charred trees mask the opposing side of the valley due to forest fires […]


Setting: Sitting in the monster truck looking over the vertical edge, summer midday. mum, dad, sister. 1st: Setting: Summer, midday, heatwaves, sandflies, dead trees (burnt), 2nd: Start with command, Road. 3rd: mum, holding with white fists, Dad calm and confident, sister buried in her phone. 4th: river and cliff down below. 5th: you, hands sweating, […]

It is winter, early morning in the little township, chilled and blackfrosted, the plants and bushes stiffly frozen, the football field icy, the trees carrying crystals of sharp ice up to the wet sodden air-hugging mist. Listen.  It is morning quietly roving the main road, the moist melodic streaming mist rising over the garage and […]